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Vanguard Economic and Market Outlook 2024

(VEMO 2024)

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Five years of doing business together

Vanguard´s investment phylosohy is to go for the long term, to be consistent and disciplined. That was the approach taken to open an office in Mexico five years ago. Since we sttarteted investing in the country we knew we had a long way to go.

A different kind of investment firm

Putting investors first since 1975

We offer high-quality investment products at the lowest possible price. This is the core of our investment philosophy because we think it’s essential to your investment success.

Unique structure

Vanguard was founded on a simple but revolutionary idea: that an investment company should be run for the sole benefit of its investors.

A pioneer in the industry

30 million investors worldwide trust us with over $8 trillion of their savings. Together we’re changing the way the world invests.


Our difference


Our unique ownership structure aligns our interests with those of our investors

Providing low-cost investments isn't a pricing strategy for us. It's how we do business.

We believe in giving investors access to broadly diversified investment solutions at a low cost. The less you pay for investments, the more you get to keep from your potential returns.

What Vanguard looks for in benchmarks

Benchmark construction and selection are important considerations in Vanguard's effort to provide investors with innovative, low-cost indexing solutions.

We serve institutional and qualified investors in Mexico

Currently it is possible to invest in Mexico in Vanguard funds. Learn more about how to have access to our products.

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Learn ETF fundamentals



Learn the basics of ETFs, including their history, how they compare to mutual funds, what types are available and more.



Learn about the advantages of indexing, how ETFs are indexed, the differences between excess return and tracking error, and more.



Learn how ETFs trade, where they get liquidity, common order types, how premiums and discounts work and more.



Learn about strategic and tactical uses for ETFs, including asset and sub-asset allocation, portfolio completion, cash equitization and more.