Important Update

Prevent fraud!

Vanguard México doesn’t provide services to individuals and doesn’t contact clients through social media or phone. Do not transfer money, nor share personal data to individuals that may contact you through social media or phone.

A message from Salim Ramji

A 1-minute video featuring Vanguard’s new CEO, Salim Ramji.

Hello. I'm Salim Ramji, Vanguard's new CEO. It's my first week here, but already Vanguard feels like home. It's our unique structure and our client focused mission that make Vanguard like nowhere else. And I'm excited for where we are headed. As the world continues to change and our clients are faced with new challenges, our work serving you is more important than ever. 

To ensure we are ready to meet this moment, I have three areas of focus: First, continue delivering for our clients, earning your trust every single day. Second, stewarding the company's culture. We will never deviate from Jack Bogle's original focus on taking a stand for investors and giving our clients the best chance of investment success. And finally, ensuring we anticipate your needs and continue to evolve our capabilities to serve you well. Thank you for your trust in Vanguard. I look forward to our work together. 

A different kind of investment firm

Putting investors first since 1975

Vanguard is the trusted name in investing. Since our founding in 1975, we’ve put investors first. This is the core of our investment philosophy because we think it’s essential to your investment success.

Unique structure

Vanguard is owned by the people who invest in our funds. Our owners have access to high-quality investment products and relevant market insights that help them build a future.

A pioneer in the industry

30 million investors worldwide trust us with over $8 trillion of their savings. Together we’re changing the way the world invests.

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Providing low-cost investments isn't a pricing strategy for us. It's how we do business.

We believe in giving investors access to broadly diversified investment solutions at a low cost. The less you pay for investments, the more you get to keep from your potential returns.


What Vanguard looks for in benchmarks

Benchmark construction and selection are important considerations in Vanguard's effort to provide investors with innovative, low-cost indexing solutions.


We serve institutional and qualified investors in Mexico

Currently it is possible to invest in Mexico in Vanguard funds. Learn more about how to have access to our products.


ETF fundamentals
